Jumat, 28 Desember 2007

Solo still floods

Solo ( Espos) -- Solo Town still floods. Till Friday ( 28 / 12) at 11.00 WIB, hundreds of citizen house and also a number of joint streets in Chief Of Village Sewu, Gandekan, Sangkrah, Clover, Joyotakan, Joyosuran and also Pucangsawit suffused by floods with the height vary
Though at Thursday ( 27 / 12), partly floods victim have returned to house of each because floods start the ebb. But effect of of torrential rains which mengguyur of Town of Bengawan of night Thursday, river of Bengawan Solo return to bubble up so that airnya meluber to permukiman citizen of around his/its
Day, citizen of Kampong of Sewu RT 05 / VI, Jebres tell the, height irrigate in its kampong reach the adult knee. To anticipate all possibility, woman clan and also children evacuated to peaceful place, while all boy awake in floods location
" Yesterday we have started to clean the house from mud. But mentioned early morning about at 02.00 WIB, floods return to come after decreasing torrential rains. Mentioned of height morning irrigate until neck, but now have started the ebb," sharpness, Thursday
Pursuant to monitoring Espos, a number of Posko evacuation as in GOR Manahan, Balaikota Solo and also fulfilled by the visible Church Purbayan of floods victim sweeping along clothes and also other;dissimilar goods is which can be saved. Whereas, a number of joint streets which still be suffused by water of like Jl Kyai Mojo barricade and taken care of by security guard
By: Rohmah Ermawati

from solopos.com

5 victim Physic slide found

Karanganyar ( Espos) -- Third Day of pascabencana landslide in Ledoksari, Tawangamangu, Karanganyar, Friday ( 28 / 12), team evakuasi succeed to lift five corpse from mud hoard. Whereas, two fairish unit back hoe minimize conducived to to occurence location to quicken the process evakuasi
Victim consisted of by the Bejo Pawiro, 50; Harsi, 32; Mujiman, 38; Latif 8 month;moon, and Muryani, 24 each found to by at 09.51 WIB, 10.05 WIB, 10.59 WIB, 13.00 WIB and also 12.50 WIB. Physic Muryani found in position embrace its ducky, Latif. Corpse of that child and Mother is hereinafter buried in Tengklik, Tawangamangu by its exit
Whereas, team evakuasi use the masker and kaos hand in undertaking, because victim physic start to decay the. Regent Karanganyar, Rina Iriani awaiting process evakuasi hope entire/all soul victim can dievakuasi today
By: Ivan Indrakesuma

from solopos.com

Wonosari Floods again

Overflowing of River of Bengawan Solo return to soak hundreds of citizen house in Countryside of Bener and Sidowarno, Subdistrict Wonosari, Klaten, start the Friday ( 28 / 12) early morning. Others, floods also suffuse the permukiman of citizen of Spur Countryside, Subdistrict Juwiring of because channel of irrigation of Bengawan Solo in the region of meluber
Monitoring Espos, Day Friday, hundreds of citizen Bener evacuate at home lead the orchard ( Local Kadus) because floods reach the height 1-1,5 metre. Meanwhile, height irrigate in Sidowarno non-stoped high, because dead times;rill exist in that countryside is fulfilled by the water of overflowing of Bengawan Solo
One of citizen Sidowarno, Wito Temon memaparkan, floods take its rise the early morning, what is early downwards ithim torrential rains which that mengguyur area during several hours of since night Thursday
At shares ofis other;dissimilar, Regent Klaten, Sunarna say the, aid for victim of natural disaster of allocation will from fund post do not ****** ( DTT) for the price of Rp 6 milliard. According to him, Pemkab also channel the aid to other;dissimilar area is which is is borne down upon by accident of like Karanganyar, Sragen And Wonogiri, what is taken away from by a disaster fund which in this time still be remained by Rp 200 million
By: Iskandar, Heriyono AA

from solopos.com

Rabu, 26 Desember 2007

Floods Still Suffuse the Town of Solo and Sukoharjo

Thursday, 27 December 2007 | 13:09 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Solo:Sejumlah Area in Town of Solo and Regency Sukoharjo still be suffused by a floods till Thursday ( 27 / 12) day
Even, a countrified in Nusupan, Grogol, Sukoharjo, terisolir of because entire/all region of around his/its still be suffused by water of setingggi of adult chest
Area which still be suffused by a water, among other things Chief Of Village Slaughter, Kampong Sewu, Joyotakan, and also Kaliwingko which abut the Sukoharjo
According to data in Posko of Mains of Penanggulangan of Disaster of Solo Town, sum up the refugee still reach 31 thousand soul. They omit whereas in place common/ public facility of governmental property and also emergency tents founded in roadside
To date in Solo Town nine house of religious service suffused by water, some school facility, like building of SD and SMP in Market Kliwon, also still be suffused by water
In some area which its pond have started the citizen ebb cooperate to clean the incoming mud with floods water yesterday
Before day of Solo Town return the diguyur rain and make to worry the citizen which its house have withdrawn from floods pond
Among all refugee also have time to circulate the issue will come the bajir consignment propose opening of main gate of Accumulating Basin of Elephant Mungkur. Some citizen which evacuate in Mosque of Foreland Anom have time to be hysterical hear the the issue
Moh Saefuloh / imron Rosyid.

from tempointeraktif.com

Evakuasi of Landslide Victim Estimated a Week

TEMPO Interaktif, Karanganyar:
Evakuasi of Seeking of landslide victim in Tawang Wangu Karanganyar estimated to take place till one week.
Appliance limitation to dig the hoard become one of duration cause process the the evakuasi
Today thousands of ready to, is good the than TNI, Police, member SAR, forest police, and common/ public society follow to assist the corpse seeking. They only work by using traditional appliance like hoe, scoop up, and crow bar. " If only by means of ... like this insufficient time one week," word Muktar, member SAR
Since yesterday is newly found by 8 the landslide victim corpse. All day long this a success victim of dianggkat as much 3 people. Mentioned morning two victim found concurrently, namely Hamid, 5 year, and Maryani, 16 year. At 8.30 returning found by one so called victim of Suparlan ( 27). Moh Saefuloh | Imron Rosyid.

from tempointeraktif.com

Tired Solo Floods 3 Metre, Thousands of Citizen evacuate

SOLO - Thousands of towny of Solo dievakuasi. the citizen Residence house suffused by water of effect of of river of Bengawan Solo bubble up the. Floods most hard knock over the Kampong Joyotakan, Serengan of where house of citizen terendam till 3 metre
Besides Solo, drainage basin of Bengawan Solo is also incured by floods. Like some of area Klaten, Sukoharjo, and Sragen. As a result, a number of road;street and also interregional link bridge closed by because under water. Like road;street of Yos Sudarso attributing to New Solo of Sukoharjo, connective bridge Mojo of Solo Clover by Mojolaban is Sukoharjo, and also Jln Ir Juanda in area Jurug.

Height irrigate the overflowing non-stoped to by go up till day, yesterday. Thousands of citizen is even also perforced by dievakuasi in peaceful location. There is which dievakuasi in mosque, chief of village office, till factory. soup kitchen And food aid immediately emit a stream of
" For the Solo of, area which dilewati of river of Bengawan Solo of there are some chief of village," clear Lead the Body of Information and Communications of Pemkot of Solo of Purnomo Subagyo, Wednesday ( 26/12/2007
Each chief of village Joyotakan, Kec Serengan, Clover, Kec of Market Kliwon, Sangkrah, Kec of Market Kliwon, Slaughter, Kec Jebres, Kampong Sewu, Kec Jebres, and Pucangsawit, Kec Jebres. Thousands of citizen which dievakuasi come from the area
Chief Of Village of Joyotakan Chairul Anwar tell the, floods which knock over the Joyotakan befall a number of RW. Each RW 3, 4, 5, and RW 6. But, from four the RW, hard floods happened in RW 6. Floods which knock over the Joyotakan, besides overflowing of river of Bengawan Solo also river overflowing Guarantee and river Wingko.

Height irrigate the overflowing non-stoped to by go up till day, yesterday. Thousands of citizen is even also perforced by dievakuasi in peaceful location. There is which dievakuasi in mosque, chief of village office, till factory. soup kitchen And food aid immediately emit a stream of
" For the Solo of, area which dilewati of river of Bengawan Solo of there are some chief of village," clear Lead the Body of Information and Communications of Pemkot of Solo of Purnomo Subagyo, Wednesday ( 26/12/2007
Each chief of village Joyotakan, Kec Serengan, Clover, Kec of Market Kliwon, Sangkrah, Kec of Market Kliwon, Slaughter, Kec Jebres, Kampong Sewu, Kec Jebres, and Pucangsawit, Kec Jebres. Thousands of citizen which dievakuasi come from the area
Chief Of Village of Joyotakan Chairul Anwar tell the, floods which knock over the Joyotakan befall a number of RW. Each RW 3, 4, 5, and RW 6. But, from four the RW, hard floods happened in RW 6. Floods which knock over the Joyotakan, besides overflowing of river of Bengawan Solo also river overflowing Guarantee and river Wingko

Floods almost flatten in Java

Jakarta -- Rain which mengguyur as long as Tuesday ( 25 / 12) evening till Wednesday ( 26 / 12) morning, causing a number of area in Java flood stricken. From report of various area, floods even almost flatten the totality Java, especially in Central Java and East Java
Floods most is hard happened in joint streets of Mantingan-Ngawi and East Java, whereabout pond in roadway reach the height one metre more. As a result, traffic from Jatim-Jateng of through/ passing middle band broken
Besides in Ngawi and Madiun, in East Java of floods is also happened in Regency Trenggalek, Ponorogo And Jombang. In Jombang, Multiply the Konto bubble up so that suffuse hundreds of hektare of rice field and permukiman resident. Walke to go to the Subdistrict Mojowarno also terendam
In Central Java, capital of regency Grobogan, Purwodadi, is also suffused by effect of of torrential rains as long as Tuesday till morning Wednesday. effect of this Pond, channel phone to go to the Purwodadi have time to be annoyed
Still in Central Java, floods is also happened in Regency of Pemalang of effect of bubble up it Multiply the Comal, so that traffic in north coastal band ( Pantura) Java of a few/little annoyed. Floods is also happened in frontier of Tegal-Pemalang of effect of bubble up it a rill in second frontier of region
Last report mention the, floods happened also in a number of subdistrict in Regency Sukoharjo, Central Java. Effect of Floods, band Solo-Sukoharjo / wonogiri only can be passed by by the big kendaraan like bus and truck. Small car have to await until floods withdraw or perforced to look for the alternative band
Besides bothering traffic in roadway, floods in the Jateng-Jatim also have time to bother the train transportation;journey in middle band and also north band among/between Semarang-Cepu and Solo-Madiun
Source: Among/Between, Compass of Cyber Media
By: Good Verdy of Hendratmoko.

from solopos

Wonogiri Flood gate opened more wide

Solo ( Espos) -- Organizer of Accumulating basin of Elephant of Mungkur wonogiri perforced to open the flood gate more wide from usually, propose the height irrigate on the surface of accumulating basin exceeding peaceful boundary sill
Lead The Service Division Irrigate The Perum of Service of Tirta I Bengawan Solo, Suwartono, in Solo, Wednesday, telling, torrential rains which regional mengguyur of Soloraya and its surroundings Tuesday ( 25 / 12) night till morning Wednesday, causing height irrigate in WGM mount the siginifikan
" In this time height of accumulating basin reach 136,23 metre ofis above sea level, higher from peaceful boundary 136 metre," he/she said. The condition can endanger the barrage of if water is not released
According to he/she, free water volume in this time reach 100 meter cubic of per second, or bigger than habit condition which only about 50 meter cubic of per second. Others, free water is not overcome by intake of turbine of PLTA Wonogiri, direct but through/ passing spillway, representing flood gate for the irrigating of agriculture farm
He affirm the, release irrigate in gross from WGM takkan memperparah of floods condition in Solo region, if in a few clock forwards irrigate the gradual River Bengawan Solo withdraw the
" free water is butuh time ofis more or less five clock to reach the Solo region. If that moment is condition of Bengawan Solo have started the ebb, will not add floods in Solo," he/she said. But, if region Wonogiri descend the rain again, felt concerned about by a water height will be non-stoped to by go up the
Source: Among/Between
By: Rohmah Ermawati.

from solopos

Floods height increasing

Solo ( Espos) -- Height irrigate in region suffused by floods in Subdistrict Jebres, Solo, Wednesday ( 26 / 12), progressively mount till more than five metre. Before day, hundreds of house in Chief of village of Sewu engulfed by a floods so that its roof even also do not see again
Monitoring Espos, thousands of citizen of Chief Of Village Sewu, Gandekan, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Slaughter evacuate to local chief of village office. Defensive citizen in place evacuation of because floods height estimated will increasingly along opening of flood gate in Accumulating Basin of Elephant Mungkur ( WGM) Wonogiri
Meanwhile, a number of car trapped in internode of Jl Juanda of because water height reach more than bent. Waidi, citizen of Slaughter RT 07 / RW II, saying, this floods very hard because coming near deluge ferocity which knock over the Town of year Solo 1966 then
Like reported on, River of Bengawan Solo bubble up the, Wednesday, resulting thousands of house in region of Solo Town, Regency of Sukoharjo and under water Regency Sragen, propose the torrential rains which mengguyur all night long
By: Aries Susanto.

from solopos

Senin, 17 Desember 2007

9 Arcas Not collection of Radya Pustaka

Solo ( Espos) -- Hall ofis Continuation Of Ancient Ommission ( BP3) of Central Java ascertain nine arca confiscated from Building of People Puppets ( WO) Sriwedari Solo, Saturday ( 15 / 12), is not collect the Museum Radya Book, what nowadays in seeking of aparat police
That certainty is obtained by after worker BP3 check nine arca of confiscated goods to Mapoltabes Solo, Monday ( 17 / 12). From inspection result to nine arca confiscated goods, BP3 conclude the that nine arca still is equal to moment dievakuasi from Garden of Segaran Sriwedari, November 2005
According to worker from BP3 Jateng, Siti Rohyani, arca confiscated by its condition police still is of equal moment identified by BP3 Jateng in the year 2005. " Still the is same as which first, there no change," word Rohyani to journalist in Mapoltabes Solo, Monday
He/She express in fact there is 10 arca found in Garden Segaran. Even, moment found, the arca under tree wish and there is also which is at elbow Restaurant Boga. Rohyani tell nine arca is finally moved to Building WO
While one arca that is Dwara Nutmeg, still reside in behind Office On duty Tourism, Cultural and Artistic ( Disparsenbud) Solo. " For the things Dwara Nutmeg (it) is true not yet been moved by because its size measure is big enough," word he/she
moment Ditanya hit a number of mend in that arca, Rohyani tell the moment of year invention 2005, condition arca (it) is true some of have been patched to by wear the cement. Concerning possibility bring the the arca to office BP3, he/she affirm not yet there is plan like that.

from solopos.com

Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

BP3 laporkan pemalsuan surat arca

Solo ( Espos)-- Lead the sub units of TU Hall ofis Continuation Of Ancient Ommission ( BP3) Central Java, Sri Ediningsih report the case of anticipation of forgery of Bank Statement of BP3 accompanying five arca collect the Museum Radya Book to Mapoltabes Solo, Tuesday ( 4 / 12
He/She affirm the, x'self have never signed the letter made at January month;moon 2007 the. " I affirm that I have never signed that letter. Hence that letter is clear counterfeit the," momentary word Sri before reporting to Sentra of Police Service ( SPK) Mapoltabes Solo
He/She also argue that x'self have become the daily executor ( Plh) Lead the BP3, is such as those which contained in that letter. He/She explain, since 7 September 2006, BP3 have shaded below/under Department of Culture and Tourism
Still, arrival of Sri Ediningsih to that Mapoltabes limited to reporting dugan forgery. whose moment Ditanya is forgery perpetrator, Sri refuse to give the boldness. But he/she believe its maker is people of outside BP3
By: Akhmad Ludiyanto.

translated from solopos