Overflowing of River of Bengawan Solo return to soak hundreds of citizen house in Countryside of Bener and Sidowarno, Subdistrict Wonosari, Klaten, start the Friday ( 28 / 12) early morning. Others, floods also suffuse the permukiman of citizen of Spur Countryside, Subdistrict Juwiring of because channel of irrigation of Bengawan Solo in the region of meluber
Monitoring Espos, Day Friday, hundreds of citizen Bener evacuate at home lead the orchard ( Local Kadus) because floods reach the height 1-1,5 metre. Meanwhile, height irrigate in Sidowarno non-stoped high, because dead times;rill exist in that countryside is fulfilled by the water of overflowing of Bengawan Solo
One of citizen Sidowarno, Wito Temon memaparkan, floods take its rise the early morning, what is early downwards ithim torrential rains which that mengguyur area during several hours of since night Thursday
At shares ofis other;dissimilar, Regent Klaten, Sunarna say the, aid for victim of natural disaster of allocation will from fund post do not ****** ( DTT) for the price of Rp 6 milliard. According to him, Pemkab also channel the aid to other;dissimilar area is which is is borne down upon by accident of like Karanganyar, Sragen And Wonogiri, what is taken away from by a disaster fund which in this time still be remained by Rp 200 million
By: Iskandar, Heriyono AA
from solopos.com