SOLO - Thousands of towny of Solo dievakuasi. the citizen Residence house suffused by water of effect of of river of Bengawan Solo bubble up the. Floods most hard knock over the Kampong Joyotakan, Serengan of where house of citizen terendam till 3 metre
Besides Solo, drainage basin of Bengawan Solo is also incured by floods. Like some of area Klaten, Sukoharjo, and Sragen. As a result, a number of road;street and also interregional link bridge closed by because under water. Like road;street of Yos Sudarso attributing to New Solo of Sukoharjo, connective bridge Mojo of Solo Clover by Mojolaban is Sukoharjo, and also Jln Ir Juanda in area Jurug.
Height irrigate the overflowing non-stoped to by go up till day, yesterday. Thousands of citizen is even also perforced by dievakuasi in peaceful location. There is which dievakuasi in mosque, chief of village office, till factory. soup kitchen And food aid immediately emit a stream of
" For the Solo of, area which dilewati of river of Bengawan Solo of there are some chief of village," clear Lead the Body of Information and Communications of Pemkot of Solo of Purnomo Subagyo, Wednesday ( 26/12/2007
Each chief of village Joyotakan, Kec Serengan, Clover, Kec of Market Kliwon, Sangkrah, Kec of Market Kliwon, Slaughter, Kec Jebres, Kampong Sewu, Kec Jebres, and Pucangsawit, Kec Jebres. Thousands of citizen which dievakuasi come from the area
Chief Of Village of Joyotakan Chairul Anwar tell the, floods which knock over the Joyotakan befall a number of RW. Each RW 3, 4, 5, and RW 6. But, from four the RW, hard floods happened in RW 6. Floods which knock over the Joyotakan, besides overflowing of river of Bengawan Solo also river overflowing Guarantee and river Wingko.
Height irrigate the overflowing non-stoped to by go up till day, yesterday. Thousands of citizen is even also perforced by dievakuasi in peaceful location. There is which dievakuasi in mosque, chief of village office, till factory. soup kitchen And food aid immediately emit a stream of
" For the Solo of, area which dilewati of river of Bengawan Solo of there are some chief of village," clear Lead the Body of Information and Communications of Pemkot of Solo of Purnomo Subagyo, Wednesday ( 26/12/2007
Each chief of village Joyotakan, Kec Serengan, Clover, Kec of Market Kliwon, Sangkrah, Kec of Market Kliwon, Slaughter, Kec Jebres, Kampong Sewu, Kec Jebres, and Pucangsawit, Kec Jebres. Thousands of citizen which dievakuasi come from the area
Chief Of Village of Joyotakan Chairul Anwar tell the, floods which knock over the Joyotakan befall a number of RW. Each RW 3, 4, 5, and RW 6. But, from four the RW, hard floods happened in RW 6. Floods which knock over the Joyotakan, besides overflowing of river of Bengawan Solo also river overflowing Guarantee and river Wingko