Thursday, 27 December 2007 | 13:09 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Solo:Sejumlah Area in Town of Solo and Regency Sukoharjo still be suffused by a floods till Thursday ( 27 / 12) day
Even, a countrified in Nusupan, Grogol, Sukoharjo, terisolir of because entire/all region of around his/its still be suffused by water of setingggi of adult chest
Area which still be suffused by a water, among other things Chief Of Village Slaughter, Kampong Sewu, Joyotakan, and also Kaliwingko which abut the Sukoharjo
According to data in Posko of Mains of Penanggulangan of Disaster of Solo Town, sum up the refugee still reach 31 thousand soul. They omit whereas in place common/ public facility of governmental property and also emergency tents founded in roadside
To date in Solo Town nine house of religious service suffused by water, some school facility, like building of SD and SMP in Market Kliwon, also still be suffused by water
In some area which its pond have started the citizen ebb cooperate to clean the incoming mud with floods water yesterday
Before day of Solo Town return the diguyur rain and make to worry the citizen which its house have withdrawn from floods pond
Among all refugee also have time to circulate the issue will come the bajir consignment propose opening of main gate of Accumulating Basin of Elephant Mungkur. Some citizen which evacuate in Mosque of Foreland Anom have time to be hysterical hear the the issue
Moh Saefuloh / imron Rosyid.