Solo ( Espos) -- Organizer of Accumulating basin of Elephant of Mungkur wonogiri perforced to open the flood gate more wide from usually, propose the height irrigate on the surface of accumulating basin exceeding peaceful boundary sill
Lead The Service Division Irrigate The Perum of Service of Tirta I Bengawan Solo, Suwartono, in Solo, Wednesday, telling, torrential rains which regional mengguyur of Soloraya and its surroundings Tuesday ( 25 / 12) night till morning Wednesday, causing height irrigate in WGM mount the siginifikan
" In this time height of accumulating basin reach 136,23 metre ofis above sea level, higher from peaceful boundary 136 metre," he/she said. The condition can endanger the barrage of if water is not released
According to he/she, free water volume in this time reach 100 meter cubic of per second, or bigger than habit condition which only about 50 meter cubic of per second. Others, free water is not overcome by intake of turbine of PLTA Wonogiri, direct but through/ passing spillway, representing flood gate for the irrigating of agriculture farm
He affirm the, release irrigate in gross from WGM takkan memperparah of floods condition in Solo region, if in a few clock forwards irrigate the gradual River Bengawan Solo withdraw the
" free water is butuh time ofis more or less five clock to reach the Solo region. If that moment is condition of Bengawan Solo have started the ebb, will not add floods in Solo," he/she said. But, if region Wonogiri descend the rain again, felt concerned about by a water height will be non-stoped to by go up the
Source: Among/Between
By: Rohmah Ermawati.
from solopos