Senin, 31 Maret 2008

Candidates for Indonesian President announced before the legislative elections

Some political experts from the National Institute of Sciences (LIPI) suggested that political parties announce candidates for president and vice president before the legislative elections.

Syamsudin Haris LIPI researcher believes it is a short period of time between the legislative and presidential elections that did not give enough time for voters to learn about the candidates. After the legislative elections, people should take time to get to know the candidates, said Syamsudin during the hearing with a special team of the President and Vice Presidential Election Regulation Drafting office in Parliament yesterday.

Another LIPI researcher, Dewi Fortuna Anwar, said the extra time will also increase voting for political parties in the legislative elections. If the political party nominates someone that people want, they can get many votes, he said.

Sri Yanuarti of the Indonesian Association of Political Science suggests for a presidential candidate to announce a list of ministers of the candidates before the presidential election. The idea is to give more information to voters to select candidates.

Experts also suggest an election regulation for a public debate for the candidates. Syamsudin said, criminalization of the candidates might be those who refuse to a public debate.

Agus Hermanto, a member of a special team for the presidential election Drafting responded positively to this suggestion. Although not yet approved, a pair of candidates must be announced before the general elections, he said.

Senin, 24 Maret 2008

Sites pornography and violence will be blocked

Jakarta: Minister of Communication and Information, Muhamamad Nuh, announced his department to block websites with negative content including pornography sites. "We pledged our commitment and APJI CPI to block sites in the negative," he said after the launch of broadband Learning Center at the Al-Akbar, Surabaya, last Friday.

This is a response to the concern of religious figures to Internet-based information technology at places of worship in East Java. They worry that their supporters will misuse of the Internet for pornographic sites.

Nuh said three methods for closing content sites negative. Firstly, the dissemination to the public and also to leave behind the software to block sites.

Secondly, the block of the international network with a direct connection through a special software. The network will only be connected to the network within the country. "If it does not work, there will be a third method, which is the central blockade directly from the sites that we consider not guaranteed."

According to the Director of Software and Information Systems, Loly Amalia, the guideline for blocking sites sexual violence and plans to be completed in April-May. This guideline was established as a ministerial regulation.

The main consideration of this policy is the possibility of a bad influence on children. "Children are now the main target of paedophilia over the Internet," said Tempo yesterday. Another type of site to be blocked is a site of violence. For example a site that teaches how to make a bomb. "A cruel and violent sites, especially those that have potential for harm to the nation, must be seen".

At first, the content of the Internet is limited only by ethics. Now, the government makes a firm move. Loly said that the mechanism of this limitation will be implemented through the observation phase in which there will be a verification of rape, warning, and the blockade. Special Teams will be established to monitor and follow up on complaints from the community.


Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

Rain of Wind And Tunder Still Happen

Yogyakarta -- Rain with the accompanied by the high intensity of wind and thunder which knock over the region of Provinsi Special Region ( DIY) and its surroundings during this last few days, estimated still will take place final till March
Sexy Head of Data And Information of Body of Meteorology and Geofiska ( BMG) Yogyakarta, Tyar Prasetyo in Yogyakarta, Monday ( 17 / 3), telling society require to take heed and take a care to wind of nipple of hatchet and floods of effect of torrential rains
According to he/she is, some region of DIY of gristle of wind of hatchet nipple among other things Subdistrict have Deluge, Sayegan And Godean in Regency Sleman. While in a number of dot in Town Yogyakarta represent the region of floods gristle
" To control the rainfall in an optimal fashion, BMG install the appliance of Automatic Water System ( AWS) in region of Subdistrict Pakem, Sleman and in Samigaluh of Regency Kulonprogo," he said
Tyar tell, pursuant to data record from AWS hence high rainfall intensity that is reach 14 mm / clock noted in region Pakem. Meanwhile, since last few days of wind direction tend to to blown easterly go out to sea
According to he/she, careful of the experienced phenomenon occurence hence society diimbau shall take heed the floods especially which populating in bantaran river. Others, those who live in under hillside require to take heed the movement and landslide of because rainfall still be high enough.

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Bengkulu affected by earthquake

Bengkulu was hit by an earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale today (12 / 3) to 06.45 (West Indonesia Time).

According to the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG), the epicentre of the earthquake was 118 kilometers southwest of Mukomuko, Bengkulu.

The exact location was 3.5 south latitude and 100.7 east longitude.

BMG said that the earthquake, which was 13 km below the sea, was not the possibility of a tsunami.


Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Floods solo again, citizen evacuated

Solo ( Espos)-- A number of region in Solo Town return flood stricken by effect of of torrential rains which mengguyur as long as Sunday ( 9 / 3) evening till Monday ( 10 / 3) predawn. Some area which is is flood stricken by for example in Chief Of Village Sewu, Slaughter, Sangkrah And Joyotakan
Citizen in area which is is knocked over evacuate to dams and also shop veranda. Acting Mayor Solo, Hadi Rudyatmo, moment evaluate the the location, last night, explaining torrential rains which is also happened in Wonogiri make the elevasi of River of Bengawan Solo return to go up. So also consignment from watercourse of Bengawan Solo
Monitoring Espos, Monday, at 09.30 WIB, a number of region in bantaran of river Kaliwingko, especially in Chief of village of Joyotakan still be under water with the knee height. Citizen which floods evacuate the kendaraan wheel two and also domestic housewares even have to dash against the water pond which chromatic keruh
Meanwhile, traffic current in Jl Brigjen Sudiarto is enough choked up by a consumer cause walke to walk tardy to witness the floods area of around the joint streets. Floods victim even also see to gather in roadside at the same time pacify the goods own those who is placed in shop veranda
At shares ofis other;dissimilar, floods height in area permukiman of among, Slaughter reach the height of adult chest. A number of children exactly exploit the floods momentum to play at the water as satisfied as. While internode of Jl Juanda which last night have time to be suffused by a water nowadays have withdrawn and traffic current return fluent.


Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

KPK is Urged to Complete BLBI Bribery Allegation Case

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:KPK Urged to Complete BLBI Bribery Allegation Case
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to be serious in handling the bribery case of Attorney General Urip Tri Gunawan. KPK must be able to clarify the relationship between arresting Urip and the termination of investigation into two Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) debtors, Sjamsul Nursalim and Anthony Salim.

?Don't let the case stop only at the level of bribery, (it) must be the relationship regarding the termination of BLBI investigation,? said ICW , Emerson Juntho, when contacted by Tempo, Tuesday afternoon (4/3).

According to Emerson, probably the bribery can be related to the termination of the BLBI case investigation with the reason of money transfer between the two people who were in the opposite position as regards the BLBI case.

ICW suspects that the bribery was a part of the scenario. KPK was asked to take over the solution into the BLBI case. The case not only comprises the bribery which involved the 35 attorney general?s team of the BLBI case, but also another agenda connected to the BLBI case.

?KPK shouldn't stop there, there must be many people involved, not only those people,? he said.

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

Patient of Suspect AI going goodness

Solo ( Espos)--Ca, 9, Flagon citizen, Terrace;Core, Boyolali, what is made reference to by RSUD dr Moewardi Solo with the anticipation of suspect avian influenza ( AI) Or flu bird, is finally carried over by a ordinary treatment barn. Doctor team express the free CA of AI and only suffer the penumonia caused of a kind bacterium
Meanwhile, condition two patient of suspect AI of origin of Kedungampel Kulon, Cawas, Klaten, Sd, 37, and IF, 9, gradually goodness. Body temperature of both have returned normal ( below/under 37 degree), its fever lose, and other influenza symptom like coughing and asphyxia also have far decrease the
" Possibility there (be) still result of second tes of this patient suspect AI is negative. But we not yet can ascertain it. We just see result of tesnya to arrive tomorrow. If its result (it) is true negativity, we will be direct remove it to ordinary treatment space," express the Chief of Team of Handling of AI RSUD dr Moewardi, Solo, dr Reviono Spp, when contacted by the Espos, Wednesday ( 5 / 3

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Floods Menace The Region Madiun

Mail body goes here... Torrential Rains, Two Countryside Have Time To Be Under Water
MADIUN - Floods still menace the region of Regency Madiun. Torrential rains which descend the Saturday ( 1 / last 3) night have time to soak the Countryside of Tempursari and Mojorayung of Subdistrict Wungu. A number of settlement of citizen and areal of rice field start at 19.00 till 03.00 early morning suffused by a water. " Rice field which new terendam just part is harvested. have time to terendam floods," word Suwardi, citizen of Countryside Tempursari yesterday
In just just Countryside Tempursari, there are areal of rice field for the width of 125 hektare. In this time old age the crop of most have come near a period of/to crop. And newly about 25 is harvested gratuity. Citizen worry, if floods still going on, crop remained will destroy. " If destroying downhill shell of rice price surely," he said
this Citizen care is well founded because torrential rains in the reality still this mengguyur area is Sunday ( 2 / 3) afternoon yesterday. Though water volume do not as much previously, water have time to suffuse road;street in Countryside Tempursari as high as 30 centimeter. " Not yet there is report of damage problem But we will be non-stoped to watch the condition over there," word of Agus of Kindness Wahyono, Secretary of Union Body Nation and Protection of Society of confirmation moment.
Floods is also experienced of by nearby towny Madiun with two the countryside. For example in nearby Housing Kelun with the watercourse stream Multiply the Jerohan which pass by quickly in regional frontier of town And Regency Madiun. Iucky, floods do not as hard as previously though citizen have time to worry because rain fall rapid enough
Besides Housing Kelun, floods also suffuse the area of Housing Sogaten. Height irrigate the last night known knee high of adult and some of house of entrance citizen have irrigate the. " Torrential rains do not be old so. But irrigate likely gather here all," saying Edy, citizen of Housing Sogaten
Floods in this housing area is ascertained almost is every year happened. housing in region of Chief Of Village of this Sogaten Subdistrict Manguharjo is under water during final two-day of December 2007 then. Though to lessen the floods risk, pemkot have improve;repaired the dismissal channel irrigate in the housing area. " Citizen expectation after moat improve;repaired by the floods do not again. But in the reality still like first oppositely;also likely irrigate from countrified step into here all ( housing, Red) pass the moat," complain the nya
Meanwhile, at the same time with floods in region of Regency Madiun reported by the existence of invention of dead body in pingggir Multiply the Madiun, precisely in Countryside of Cabean of Subdistrict Sawahan. Dead body the Men is first time found by three citizen of about that is Lukito, Parmin And Maridi, Sunday ( 2 / 3) about at 06.00.
Side the police do/conduct the evakuasi and identify after report accepted. But, till this news is writed, identity of dead body found by without the clothes not yet been known the. the dead body Invention report accepted by a police yesterday morning. " Our corpse send to RSD of Regency Madiun for the autopsy of," say the Kapolres Madiun AKBP Andhi Hartoyo of through/ passing Kapolsek Sawahan AKP Rebin Pasaribu
Laid open, dead body the boy found in pinggi Multiply the naked Madiun in a condition. Mentioned by a the boy physical marking old age about 55 year, high of body 160 centimeter, grizzled hair. Temporarily police not yet concluded the cause of the death Mr X is inclusive of anticipation of boy terebut is floods victim. " We still await the ill result from home and try to find the identity and victim family," he/she said.