Jakarta -- Rain which mengguyur as long as Tuesday ( 25 / 12) evening till Wednesday ( 26 / 12) morning, causing a number of area in Java flood stricken. From report of various area, floods even almost flatten the totality Java, especially in Central Java and East Java
Floods most is hard happened in joint streets of Mantingan-Ngawi and East Java, whereabout pond in roadway reach the height one metre more. As a result, traffic from Jatim-Jateng of through/ passing middle band broken
Besides in Ngawi and Madiun, in East Java of floods is also happened in Regency Trenggalek, Ponorogo And Jombang. In Jombang, Multiply the Konto bubble up so that suffuse hundreds of hektare of rice field and permukiman resident. Walke to go to the Subdistrict Mojowarno also terendam
In Central Java, capital of regency Grobogan, Purwodadi, is also suffused by effect of of torrential rains as long as Tuesday till morning Wednesday. effect of this Pond, channel phone to go to the Purwodadi have time to be annoyed
Still in Central Java, floods is also happened in Regency of Pemalang of effect of bubble up it Multiply the Comal, so that traffic in north coastal band ( Pantura) Java of a few/little annoyed. Floods is also happened in frontier of Tegal-Pemalang of effect of bubble up it a rill in second frontier of region
Last report mention the, floods happened also in a number of subdistrict in Regency Sukoharjo, Central Java. Effect of Floods, band Solo-Sukoharjo / wonogiri only can be passed by by the big kendaraan like bus and truck. Small car have to await until floods withdraw or perforced to look for the alternative band
Besides bothering traffic in roadway, floods in the Jateng-Jatim also have time to bother the train transportation;journey in middle band and also north band among/between Semarang-Cepu and Solo-Madiun
Source: Among/Between, Compass of Cyber Media
By: Good Verdy of Hendratmoko.
from solopos