Solo ( Espos) -- Solo Town still floods. Till Friday ( 28 / 12) at 11.00 WIB, hundreds of citizen house and also a number of joint streets in Chief Of Village Sewu, Gandekan, Sangkrah, Clover, Joyotakan, Joyosuran and also Pucangsawit suffused by floods with the height vary
Though at Thursday ( 27 / 12), partly floods victim have returned to house of each because floods start the ebb. But effect of of torrential rains which mengguyur of Town of Bengawan of night Thursday, river of Bengawan Solo return to bubble up so that airnya meluber to permukiman citizen of around his/its
Day, citizen of Kampong of Sewu RT 05 / VI, Jebres tell the, height irrigate in its kampong reach the adult knee. To anticipate all possibility, woman clan and also children evacuated to peaceful place, while all boy awake in floods location
" Yesterday we have started to clean the house from mud. But mentioned early morning about at 02.00 WIB, floods return to come after decreasing torrential rains. Mentioned of height morning irrigate until neck, but now have started the ebb," sharpness, Thursday
Pursuant to monitoring Espos, a number of Posko evacuation as in GOR Manahan, Balaikota Solo and also fulfilled by the visible Church Purbayan of floods victim sweeping along clothes and also other;dissimilar goods is which can be saved. Whereas, a number of joint streets which still be suffused by water of like Jl Kyai Mojo barricade and taken care of by security guard
By: Rohmah Ermawati