Solo ( Espos)-- All teacher which have been expressed to by pass in test portofolio for the sertifikasi of teacher start from phase I till regional phase III of Rayon 13 Soloraya, asked to show the original document of portofolionya to committee utilize the checking return
That matter is done/conducted to propose the existence of document finding anticipated to be falsified in test portofolio in most of all rayon. " Most of all committee in rayon report the existence of document finding anticipated to be falsified. Become, this (it) is true have become the national issue," express the Chief of Committee of Executor Sertifikasi Learn the Rayon 13 Soloraya, Prof Dr M Furqon Hidayatullah MPD, moment met in UNS, Solo, Monday ( 26 / 11
Pursuant to that matter, Furqon continue the, PMPTK determine that before publishing certificate for teacher which pass the test portofolio, each;every rayon have to ask all teacher show the original document. If found by one just just document is which actually counterfeit, pertinent hence expressed be killed, do not become to get the certificate and have to follow the Education and Practice of Teacher Profession ( PLPG
By: Suharsih.
Translated from local solopos