23-November-2007 11:37
Sragen ( Espos)-- Baby of subnormal body weighing Woman, namely 950 gram borned in RSUD Sragen, Friday ( 16 / 11). Till his/its postnatal seventh day, Friday ( 23 / 11), fifth female condition of couple Yanti-Sunarto, citizen Jatisari, Karangbanyu, Midodaren, That Ngawi not yet stabilized the
Dinky baby longly 32 the centimeter nowadays get the intensive treatment in Space of Perinatologi RSUD Sragen. Lead The Space Perinatologi, Herwahyuning, saying observation of jabang baby focussed at possibility of threat hyphotermia ( degradation of body temperature), exhalation trouble and also infection
Its way, continue he/she is, by placing baby in incubator owning warm feeling of ambient temperature and also give the nutrisi of through/ passing infus and after. " In fact last few days of baby condition relative stabilize. But now its body weight descend to become 850 gram," sharpness to Espos
Whereas, baby parturition which not yet been called by that take place normal, about at 13.00 WIB. Condition ofis the healthy mother pascamelahirkan relative and nowadays Yanti activity have normal. Baby father, Sunarto hope the its body weight is its child immediately increase and can be brought to by come home
By: Kurniawan.