Kediri -- Status of Mount Kelud in East Java return to alight from the Alertness ( Level III) becoming to Allert the ( Level II) what is commencing from Thursday ( 29 / 11), about at 18.00 WIB
Lead the Center of Vulcanology and Mitigasi of Geology Disaster ( PVMBG), Surono, in its mass media broadcast tell, there are some reason of concerning degradation of status of volcano have height to 1.731 metre from sea level residing in frontier Kediri-Blitar-Malang, That East Java
" Among other things energi of Mount Kelud watched by start 11 September 2007 till 3 November 2007 only yield the erupsi effusif. Later;Then with the inexistence of earthquake vulkanik in and shallow/ superficial earthquake vulkanik hence mean there no accumulation energi of like shown by a visible deformation data level off and there no inflation and or deflation," he/she said
Energi which terakumulusi of since 11 September 2007 have been discharged in the form of erupsi effusif marked with the growth of lava dome which dimanifestasikan as that bellows earthquake minimize the opportunity of the happening of eruption
Even the rest of water of lake of cauldron have potency to of the happening of eruption freatik, but its energi eruption is insufficient unload the lava dome which nowadays height estimated to reach 390 metre with the that 380 metre diameter. " Although so, we still give some recommendation which remain to peremptory by all party," word Surono
He express the, bellows of smoke of bertekanan and have that high temperature to is potency still contain the dangerous poisongas for life. In consequence, his side remain to prohibit the whom even also to enter the cauldron area till radius 1,5 kilometre.
Based on monitoring of circuit camera ( CCTV) residing in Post of Volcano Perception ( PPGA) Kelud in Orchard Margomulyo, Countryside Sugihwaras, Subdistrict Ngancar, Regency Kediri, condition of Mount Kelud non-stoped downhill gradually without existence of the make-up of activity along the growing of lava dome
growth of lava Dome which almost close over entire/all that cauldron lake surface is up to now non-stoped to take place to form the mount child. worker of Watcher of activity of Mount Kelud in PPGA Margomulyo, Khoirul Huda report, till night Thursday have been happened by 324 times earthquake of maximum bellows dengam amplituda nine milimeter of during 135 second and once earthquake tektonik far
Since 11 September 2007 status of Mount Kelud improved from Normal Active ( Level I) becoming to Allert The ( Level II). Later;Then along with improvement which signifikan, status of Mount Kelud boosted up again become the Alertness ( Level III) at 29 September 2007
Then at 16 October 2007 status Kelud go up again become the Caution ( Level IV) followed by evakuasi thousands of citizen which live in the Area of Disaster Gristle ( KRB) I in Kediri, Blitar, and Worse luck to some evacuation place which have been prepared previously
But because during Caution status only yield the eruption effusif after appearance of lava dome perceived by since 3 November 2007, hence status of Mount Kelud degraded to Alert level
Source: Among/Between
By: Rohmah Ermawati.
translated from solopos