Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

Tol Solo-Ngawi belah Guworejo

Karanganyar ( Espos)-- Development of Toll Solo-Ngawi will dissociate the house four KK of citizen of Hamlet Guworejo, Countryside Waru, Subdistrict Kebakkramat, Karanganyar from permukiman resident. On that account, Local Sub-Regency chief propose so that/ to be fourth of the house bought by the government, so that its citizen can move
Met by Espos in Complex of Office of Regent Karanganyar, Friday ( 8 / 2), Sub-Regency Chief of Kebakkramat Ign Trianto say the, citizen Guworejo do not wish their orchard is apart of turnpike. " If proposal remove the toll to done/conducted unlikely orchard periphery, hence the single road;street, fourth house of the citizen bought and they can move to near by permukiman citizen," he/she said
that matter is Regent Karanganyar, Rina Iriani promise to continue the the proposal to central government. According to him, in project of development of toll Solo-Ngawi, Pemkab only have the character of as pendamping, while everything nya determined and executed by oelh pemrintah center.
from solopos.com