Solo ( Espos) -- Citizen of Kampong Putat, Chief Of Village Sewu, Subdistrict Jebres, Solo with Satlak of Handling of Disaster and Evacuation ( Local PBP) found the emergency tents and also soup kitchen to evacuate, to propose the floods which knock over the the area since Monday ( 4 / 2) night
Monitoring Espos, Tuesday ( 5 / 2), floods suffusing permukiman citizen in periphery of river of Bengawan of Solo of effect of of torrential rains which mengguyur of Town Bengawan of since day Monday start the ebb. But, tens of house residing in do not far from river lip still terendam till shoulder height. Chief Of Village Sewu, F Budihartono tell, a number of 160-an citizen house incured by a floods start the Monday, about at 23.00 WIB
Pursuant to saying of a number of citizen Sewu, the disaster do not so surprise because by the end of December 2007 then, their kampong is terendam deluge of during berhari-hari. Even since Monday at 20.00 WIB, citizen start to evacuate the family and also its properties estae, because seeing height irrigate the Bengawan Solo non-stoped by go up.