Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Floods solo again, citizen evacuated

Solo ( Espos)-- A number of region in Solo Town return flood stricken by effect of of torrential rains which mengguyur as long as Sunday ( 9 / 3) evening till Monday ( 10 / 3) predawn. Some area which is is flood stricken by for example in Chief Of Village Sewu, Slaughter, Sangkrah And Joyotakan
Citizen in area which is is knocked over evacuate to dams and also shop veranda. Acting Mayor Solo, Hadi Rudyatmo, moment evaluate the the location, last night, explaining torrential rains which is also happened in Wonogiri make the elevasi of River of Bengawan Solo return to go up. So also consignment from watercourse of Bengawan Solo
Monitoring Espos, Monday, at 09.30 WIB, a number of region in bantaran of river Kaliwingko, especially in Chief of village of Joyotakan still be under water with the knee height. Citizen which floods evacuate the kendaraan wheel two and also domestic housewares even have to dash against the water pond which chromatic keruh
Meanwhile, traffic current in Jl Brigjen Sudiarto is enough choked up by a consumer cause walke to walk tardy to witness the floods area of around the joint streets. Floods victim even also see to gather in roadside at the same time pacify the goods own those who is placed in shop veranda
At shares ofis other;dissimilar, floods height in area permukiman of among, Slaughter reach the height of adult chest. A number of children exactly exploit the floods momentum to play at the water as satisfied as. While internode of Jl Juanda which last night have time to be suffused by a water nowadays have withdrawn and traffic current return fluent.

from solopos.com