Jakarta-- Lung Condition ofis former President Soeharto, entering eight day a period of/to its treatment at home Pain Center The Pertamina ( RSPP) Jakarta South arch, Friday ( 11 / 1), reported to by start the goodness
" Result of lung photo (it) is true show the existence of repair, but not yet full is goodness," word of Chief of Team of Presidency Doctor, dr Mardjo Soebandiono, in meeting mass media in RSPP Jakarta, Friday
common/ public Mardjo Memaparkan condition of Soeharto still be conscious weak though, with the body temperature gyrate 36 degree Celcius. While that lung repair is also seen by for example from decreasing it asphyxia symptom
" Problem that happened during the time is asphyxia caused by a dilution heaping in paru. Its cause there is two, excess of dilution and weakness of at heart. this our two Matter is medium handle intensively," word of doctor of expert paru, Hadiyanto
Meanwhile, repair of at lung is also seen from more amount his/its is dilution which can be released last within 24 hours. If Thursday ( 10 / 1) previously doctor team still release 1.500 cc, at this Friday succeed released by 2.200 cc
Others, doctor team is taking heed infection threat of at paru, for example peradangan. " We have done/conducted the prevention therapy, for example by giving antibiotic to prevent to chafe the," word Hadiyanto
Doctor Team to date not yet set mind on to install the CRV, considering condition Package the Harto not yet enabled. " In this time, CRV of non single optimal solution to overcome itshis weak is heart function," word of cardiologist doctor from home Our Expectation Pain is Jakarta, dr Munawar
Doctor Team also not yet decided to conduct action drastic, but berencana remain to improve the generality, improve;repairing dilution balance, obat-obatan, and also usage CCVVHDF which playing important role in treatment, specially to inhale the dilution from body Soeharto.
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